dinsdag 11 juni 2013

Personal: The students are awake

I'm waiting for several pictures from the students I shooted with the last months. But with their deadlines they don't have that much time and now they exams. Slowly but sure the new pictures are coming in my inbox. Robin Van den Acker had to make 3 shots in 3 different styles. He used the same outfit 3 times, but with making some very little changes it has another look. I think the business look is the best of all.

Business look
Photographer: Robin Van den Acker - Assistant: Christophe Luts - MUA: Sinja Van Dessel - Model: Sharon Boucquez

Casual look
Photographer: Robin Van den Acker - Assistant: Christophe Luts - MUA: Sinja Van Dessel - Model: Sharon Boucquez

Party look
Photographer: Robin Van den Acker - Assistant: Christophe Luts - MUA: Sinja Van Dessel - Model: Sharon Boucquez

Jana Germanus (from the extreme beauty shoot) needed nudity and lingerie pictures. She asked me for both, but promised me the nude pictures won't be somewhere published. The lingerie pictures she's allowed to put online, I don't have problems with it.

Photographer: Jana Germanus - Assistant: Marieke Penne - MUA: Jana Germanus - Model: Sharon Boucquez

Photographer: Jana Germanus - Assistant: Marieke Penne - MUA: Jana Germanus - Model: Sharon Boucquez

Help mij met mijn deelname aan Miss West-Vlaanderen voor Miss België! Sms "MWV 05" naar 6665 (Enkel voor Belgen - 1euro/sms - mag meerdere keren)

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Prachtige foto's!
    Ik ben zo jaloers op jou lichaam, prachtig gewoon.

  2. Omg je foto's zijn te mooi gewoon, en je hebt echt een pracht figuur en je gezicht expressies zijn ook top.
    Ik heb maar 1 woord: WAUW.
